FELIX at TERENA Networking Conference 2013

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On 3-6 June 2013 a TERENA Networking Conference was held in Maastricht, Netherlands. As a most prestigious European research networking conference, with over 5400 participants, it attract the attention of many European scientific communities, engineers and industry representatives. The FELIX project took an advantage to be present there to present its concepts and purpose. The TNC2013 paper described a novel framework capable of provisioning end-to-end network services between resources attached to SDN clouds (e.g. data centres) controlled by OpenFlow or similar protocol. The paper proposed extensions in a form of a new NSI service, which will integrate SDN and NSI-CS messaging and functionality, delivering adequate mechanism for dynamic management of remote slices and corresponding interconnectivity between data centres. The proposed framework extends the existing NSI model with a new service enabling the multi-domain service provisioning for SDN networks, in consequence providing a real end-to-end network service spanning multiple administrative domains.

For more information refer to the TNC2013 page: https://tnc2013.terena.org/core/presentation/29

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