
  1. Ryousei Takano, Hidemoto Nakada, Atsuko Takefusa, Seiya Yanagita, Tomohiro Kudoh. Enabling Technology for Inter-cloud Virtual Infrastructure (in Japanese).
    Presentation at 2nd ITRC Regional InterCloud sub-Committee Workshop, May 2013.
  2. Tomohiro Kudoh. Inter-Cloud networking and resource management.
    Panel presentation at iPOP2013, May 2013.
  3. Bartosz Belter, Radek Krzywania, Tomohiro Kudoh, Gerben van Malenstein. Federating SDN-enabled islands with an extended NSI Framework.
    Publication for TERENA Networking Conference 2013, June 2013.
  4. Tomohiro Kudoh. FELIX project.
    Presentation at GLIF Tech meeting, June 2013
  5. Bartosz Belter, Tomohiro Kudoh. FEderated Test-beds for Large-scale Infrastructure eXperiments.
    Presentation at 2013 ICT Japan-EU Research and Development Cooperation, Project Launching Event, July 2013.
  6. Jin Tanaka, Takatoshi Ikeda. Operation and Measurement in APAN-JP.
    Presetnation at Research Symposium on Future Internet Architecture and Technologies (In remembrance of Dr. Masaki Hirabaru), July 2013.
  7. Tomohiro Kudoh, Atsuko Takefusa, Jin Tanaka, Yuichiro Tahara, Jeonghoon Moon. Network Services Interface – hands-on tutorial.
    Presentation at APAN 36th meeting in Daejeon, August 2013.
  8. Jin Tanaka. Deployment of Network Services Interface (NSI).
    Presentation at APAN 36th meeting in Daejeon, August 2013.
  9. Jin Tanaka. SDN by KDDI think (in Japanese).
    Presentation at Multimedia Promotion Forum, August 2013.
  10. Atsuko Takefusa, Tomohiro Kudoh, Ryousei Takano, Hidemoto Nakada. Toward EU-JP Experiments over the FELIX Federated ICT Testbeds (in Japanese)
    Presentation at Academic Cloud Symposium (in Japan), September 2013
  11. Tomohiro Kudoh. Utilizing Ultra-large-bandwidth networks: NSI and bulk data transfer service (in Japanese).
    Presentation at ADVNET 2013 (Workshop on utilization of large-bandiwdth networks), October 2013
  12. Ryousei Takano, Atsuko Takefusa, Hidemoto Nakada, Seiya Yanagita, Tomohiro Kudoh. Inter-cloud Resource Integration System for Elastic Cloud Data Centers (in Japanese).
    Presentation at SPS 163rd Committee on Internet Technology, ITRC meet 34, October 2013.
  13. Jin Tanaka. Deployment of Network Services Interface (NSI).
    Presentation at APAN 37th Meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, January 2014.
  14. Takatoshi Ikeda. perfSONAR Recipes – APAN performance matrix and Collaboration with SDN Technologies.
    Presentation at APAN 37th Meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, January 2014.
  15. Bartosz Belter. Federation of Future Internet Testbeds. First experiences from bilateral collaboration between Europe and Japan on SDN.
    Presentation at APAN 37th Meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, January 2014.
  16. Felix-EU 
    Publication in FIRE Brochure 2014, January 2014.
  17. Atsuko Takefusa, Tomohiro Kudoh, Ryousei Takano, Hidemoto Nakada, Katsuhiko Ohkubo, Fumihiro Okazaki. Development of a Reference Implementation of the NSI Connection Service Protocol, version 2.0 (in Japanese)
    Presentation at IEICE SIG-NS, March 2014
  18. Atsuko Takefusa, Ryousei Takano, Hidemoto Nakada, Seiya Yanagita, Tomohiro Kudoh. Development of a Prototype System for the Iris HaaS Configuration System (in Japanese).
    Presentation at IEICE SIG-SC, March 2014
  19. Bartosz Belter. The use-case of project FELIX for achieving energy efficiency in SDN-enabled cloud federations.
    Presentation at FIA Athens session on Cloud Federations and SDN/NFV: the highways towards improved QoE, Cost and Energy Efficiency, March 2014
  20. Kostas Pentikousis. SDN Control and Orchestration in FELIX.
    Presentation at Pre-FIA Athens Workshop on Network Virtualization, March 2014
  21. Nicola Ciulli. An SME perspective on SDN & NFV promises: programmability, abstraction and new business roles.
    Presentation at FIA  Athens High Profile Plenary Session, March 2014
  22. Conference paper, Takano R., Takefusa A., Nakada H., Yanagita S. and Kudoh T., “Iris: An Inter-cloud Resource Integration System for Elastic Cloud Data Centers“, Paper at 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER2014), published by INSTICC (DOI: 10.5220/0004850701030111), April 2014
  23. Conference paper, G. Carrozzo, R. Monno, B. Belter, R. Krzywania, K. Pentikousis, M. Broadbent, T. Kudoh, A. Takefusa, A. Vico-Oton, C. Fernandez, B. Puype, J. Tanaka, “Large-scale SDN experiments in federated environments“, Paper at Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT 2014), published by IEEE (DOI: 10.1109/SaCoNeT.2014.6867764), June 2014
  24. Poster paper, K. Pentikousis, M. Broadbent, R. Krzywania, G. Carrozzo, A. Vico-Oton, T. Kudoh, C. Fernandez, A. Takefusa, B. Puype, J.Tanaka, T.Rothe, “The FELIX Architecture for Testbed Federation“, Paper at EUCNC2014, June 2014
  25. Umar Toseef, Adel Zaalouk, Tom Rothe, Matthew Broadbent, Kostas Pentikousis. C-BAS: Certificate-based AAA for SDN Experimental Facilities
    Paper and Presentation at European Workshop on SDN 2014, September 2014
  26. Presentation, B. Belter, T. Kudoh, “SDN-based Experimental Platform in Europe and Japan for validation of new applications and services“, 5th EU-Japan Symposium in ICT Research and Innovation, October 2014
  27. Presentation, T. Kudoh, B. Belter, “A common framework for federated SDN Future Internet testbeds across Europe and Japan“, 5th EU-Japan Symposium in ICT Research and Innovation, October 2014
  28. Magazine, B. Belter, G. Carrozzo, “FELIX research and infrastructure“, SUCRE CloudSource Magazine article about FELIX – CloudSource Magazine Issue 4 (http://issuu.com/sucreproject/docs/sucre-issue-4-full-update/0), November 2014
  29. Conference booth, G. Carrozzo, B. Belter, “High quality media streaming experiments over long distance federated SDN and NSI-controlled networks between Europe and Japan“, EUCNC 2015 exhibition, March 2015 (Submitted)
  30. Invited talk, B. Belter, “FELIX framework for interconnecting SDN testbeds“, Internet2 International OpenFlow/SDN Testbeds, Miami (USA), remote presentation, March 2015
  31. Presentation, J. Tanaka, “FELIX  : Federation of SDN Testbeds between Europe and Japan“, APAN 39th meeting, March 2015
  32. Conference paper, Umar Toseef and Kostas Pentikousis, “Implementation of C-BAS: Certificate-based AAA for SDN Experimental Facilities“, Presentation at IEEE NCCA 2014, Munich Germany, June 2015
  33. FELIX Whitepaper: The FELIX architecture for large scale SDN and NSI experiments, April 2015
  34. Journal paper, C. Fernandez, C. Bermudo, G. Carrozzo, R. Monno, B. Belter, K. Pentikousis, U. Toseef, T. Kudoh, A. Takefusa, J. Haga, B. Puype, J. Tanaka, “A recursive orchestration and control framework for large-scale, federated SDN experiments: the FELIX architecture and use cases“, Paper at International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS), published by Taylor & Francis (DOI: 10.1080/17445760.2015.1044003), June 2015
  35. Conference paper, U. Toseef, K. Pentikousis, C. Fernandez, C. Bermudo, G. Carrozzo, R. Monno, B. Belter, T. Kudoh, A Takefusa, J. Tanaka, B. Vermeulen, “The FELIX SDN Experimental Facility Implementation“, Paper at EWSDN2015, September 2015
  36. Conference paper, U. Toseef, K. Pentikousis, “Authentication and Authorization in FELIX“, Paper at IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2015), published by IEEE (DOI: 10.1109/UCC.2015.98), December 2015
  • About

    FELIX(FEderated Test-beds for Large-scale Infrastructure eXperiments)プロジェクトは、共通のフレームワークを開発することを目的にしてます。このフレームワークは、ヨーロッパと日本に存在するテストベットを新世代インターネット(FI:Future Internet)で接続し、ユーザの要求に応じてスライスとして資源を割り当て、これを管理・モニタリングすることを可能にします。
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